Drafts – Outline

I. Introduction

    1. Five years from now, 14 year-olds might start getting plastic surgery.
    2. Introducing the idea of how preteens might start looking a couple of years from now, how preteens act and dress now, how the media plays such a big role in their growth.
    3. Social media is a place where people can benefit from and is used to connect.
    4. The younger generation is growing up too fast, and this happens at a faster rate each year.


II. Body Paragraph I

    1. Social media has a great impact on the growth of teens.
    2. Source from CCNY Libraries
    3. Explain quote, analyze, and refer back to topic sentence/prove point
    4. Sentence to wrap up thought about analysis

III. Body Paragraph II

    1. The need to fit in into today’s beauty standards is the reason why teens feel the need to try to live to those standards.
    2. Source from CCNY Libraries
    3. Explain quote, analyze, and refer back to topic sentence/prove point
    4. Sentence to wrap up thought about analysis


IV. Conclusion

    1. Restating thesis
    2. Summarize analysis from each body paragraph
    3. Conclusion statement that grabs the reader’s attention and leaves them something to think about
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